Taken by the Heitz family before the war:
Forced to withdraw from our holding positions near Woerth in January, 1945, we wound up in Buswiller after an
agonizing all-night march over ice slick roads (several of us barely made it.) Our platoon, maybe 20 men, set up
housekeeping in the barn and farmyard of an Alsacian couple named Heitz, who, in spite of the inconvenience, made
us welcome. Photo taken in 1967.
Mr. Heitz, Bruce, Mrs. Heitz, Art, Lois, Richard
Mr. and Mrs. Michel Heitz, now in their mid-seventies, welcomed our family into their home like kinfolks.
At left is the barn which was our "home" for the two weeks or so we stayed in Busweiler. The courtyard had
recently been tiled and the roofline on the barn changed -- but inside (except for the cement floor) it appeared
just the same as 22 years ago. Photo taken in 1967.
In the picture to the left Art is in the "orchard" behind the Heitz barn where we found our few moments of
peace and quiet in 1945, just sitting in the sun, talking. Photo taken in 1967.
Lois with Herr & Frau Heitz's niece and her daughter and cats. Photo taken in 1967.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Heitz and Art. Photo taken in 1967.
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This page maintained by Bruce Clayton.
Copyright © 2008 by Bruce D. Clayton, All rights reserved.